Monday, July 27, 2015

Liz Lemon is my spirit animal

New brooches in the shop! Liz Lemon is probably my favorite tv character ever (she might even be edging out Fox Mulder, I just love her that much) I think the only thing I can't relate to is her obsession with cheese, otherwise we're basically the same person.

This is one of my favorite things I've ever made, so it figures that no matter what I cannot seem to photograph or edit the product photos well. I'm not sure if it's just my own monitor that's making this look kind of green-tinted, but in reality it's all warm tones. I painted the skin a light cream, the glasses are black, eyes and teeth are white, and the hair is a warm milk chocolate. The shirt and jacket are unpainted birch wood. It really looks so nice in person, I wish I could just invite everyone over to look at it instead of posting pictures online.

The brooches are available in my shop here.