I wanted to create a product that would feel like an actual time machine -- not just an item but an experience. When you first open the package, you'll see a link to a 90s playlist to listen to while you start looking through your time machine. The kit includes all of the sights, sounds, tastes and even smells needed to transport you back to your childhood.
I don't want to give much away since I think it would ruin the initial experience of reliving things that have been absent in your life for the last 20 years (or if you're an 00s kid with an affection for the 90s, experiencing these things for the very first time!) But suffice to say, there's candy and a boy band poster in every single box. The rest is like a mystery airhead candy -- you'll just have to open the package to find out what's inside! ;)
They're available at Sweet and Lovely